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Microbiological Services Requests

 To submit specimens for any microbiological agent or serologic test, you'll need to complete and submit the Microbiological Services Test Request Form.

To submit specimens for COVID-19 testing with prior approval from the Westchester County Department of Health, you’ll need to complete and submit the COVID-19 test form.

To submit specimens for vaccine-preventable disease with prior approval from the Westchester County Department of Health, you’ll need to complete and submit the VPD Test Request Form.

To submit specimens for a GI Outbreak with prior approval by the Westchester County Department of Health, you’ll need to complete and submit the GI Outbreak Test Request Form.

To test for specific environmental pathogens, call (914) 231-1610

Disease Surveillance

Through the Laboratory Information System (LIS), statistical reports are generated which help in the tracking of patients for disease control. Disease surveillance is an important public health function in controlling the spread of communicable diseases.

The data generated through LIS is shared with the Westchester County Department of Health, New York State Department of Health, and other facilities in tracking patients for TB, Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Influenza, and more.

Foodborne and waterborne disease outbreaks are investigated in collaboration with the Westchester County Department of Health. Laboratory investigations are an essential component of disease surveillance in investigating food or water-related outbreaks.

Rubella, Measles, and Chicken Pox outbreaks are investigated in collaboration with the Westchester County Department of Health. Sporadic outbreaks occur in the county due to a lack of or insufficient immunity in certain groups of individuals.


Laboratory Training

The Microbiology laboratory provides training to the residents and fellows of New York Medical College and Westchester Medical Center. Training involves laboratory diagnosis of viruses, mycobacteria (TB), and sexually transmitted diseases, such as syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia. Residents and fellows spend up to a month receiving training, which is part of the rotation in preparation for board certification.

New employees and employees, who are reassigned to different work areas, receive on-site training. The laboratory has an ongoing, continuous education program for all employees in various disciplines of microbiology. Annual training is also provided in the safe handling of blood-borne pathogens, radiation, chemical, and fire safety.

Confidentiality training for protected health information, related to HIPPA requirements, is required of all existing and new staff members.





What's New

Legionella Testing
Persons suspected to be suffering from Legionnaire’s disease should be asked to submit the following specimens:

  • Respiratory specimen (bronchial wash, trans tracheal wash, bronchoalveolar lavage, or sputum) for culture and direct fluorescent test
  • Facilities water testing for Legionella is also available

Respiratory specimens for culture isolation are preferred. Urine for the Legionella Urinary antigen test should always be accompanied by blood for IgG/IgM test.

TB Testing Upgrades
New methodologies including PCR for TB and rifampicin-resistant TB have been recently added.

Chlamydia/Gonorrhea Testing
Nucleic acid application technology for enhanced sensitivity and specificity for chlamydia and gonorrhea diagnosis has been implemented.

Microbiological Services

The laboratory provides reliable, accurate, and rapid diagnosis of diseases to the Westchester County health community.

Division of Microbiological Services laboratories, serve as a reference center for the diagnosis of tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, and parasitic and viral infections. It is also one of four Level B Laboratory Response Network Reference laboratories in the state of New York.

The laboratory collaborates with the Westchester County Department of Health, New York State Department of Health, Center for Disease Control & Prevention, and World Health Organization for the diagnosis and surveillance of certain diseases in the county.

In addition to weekdays, the TB laboratory is also open on Saturdays and holidays. All specimens should be brought to the specimen receiving area which is open Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and on Saturdays, and holidays 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Arrangements for emergency testing can be made by calling the laboratory at (914) 231-1610.

The Microbiological Laboratory consists of the following

  • Bacteriology
  • Mycobacteriology (TB)
  • Parasitology
  • Virology
  • Syphilis
  • HIV
  • Diagnostic Immunology
  • Select Agents and Emerging Pathogens