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Westchester County Department of Labs and Research

Laboratories and Research

The Department of Laboratories and Research is the behind-the-scenes agency that conducts scientific tests in matters ranging from criminal evidence to public health concerns.

In 2007, we opened a state-of-the-art DNA addition to the Forensic Lab that can analyze evidence more quickly and establish identity through DNA with the smallest of samples. In 2004, we opened an enhanced Biosafety Level 3 laboratory to identify select agents and new and emerging pathogens. This arrangement groups nearly all county laboratories under a single administrative control, thus permitting the interchange of scientific knowledge, technology, and data.

Whether it is analyzing crime specimens for DNA, toys for possible lead, or patient specimens for TB, the department works to protect the public's health and safety.

The Office of the Medical Examiner investigates and determines the cause and manner of death occurring in Westchester "due to unlawful act, criminal neglect, violence, casualties, or by sudden or unexplained circumstances." 

The Division of Environmental Services provides testing to several government agencies, health officials, the DA's Office, engineers, hospitals, schools, businesses, homeowners, residents, and others. The state-of-the-art facility and highly trained analysts provide the best in bacteriological, inorganic, organic, and radiological testing. The QA/QC department ensures all reported results meet or exceed all quality standards set by New York State and the US EPA.

The Division of Forensic Sciences, commonly referred to as the "Forensic Lab," delivers high-quality, timely scientific analyses of physical evidence to local, state, and national agencies within the criminal justice system. Its specialized units handle a diverse range of evidentiary materials, including DNA testing, controlled substances, fibers, hairs, fire debris, gunshot residue, and audio, video, and image evidence.

The Division of Forensic Toxicology analyzes biological specimens for the presence of alcohol, drugs, and other toxic compounds as a part of postmortem medicolegal investigations of the Westchester County Medical Examiner's Office. The Medical Examiner’s Office uses information generated by the toxicology laboratory when determining the manner and cause of death of an individual. Through the application of toxicological and pharmacological principles, the toxicologists interpret the test results to assist with the formation of conclusions regarding the circumstances of the death.

The Division of Microbiological Services provides diagnosis and identification of infectious agents that may cause diseases of public health significance.

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